LHC Set To Hear Citizen’s Appeal To Constitute Federal Information Commission On Thursday

Amin Shah Gilani
3 min readOct 17, 2018

Lahore High Court appealed to constitute Federal Information Commission and ensure petitioner application is dealt with according to law.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, Oct 17, 2018

Contact: Amin Shah Gilani

Update Oct 17, 2018: The Hon. Justice Shahid Karim has postponed the hearing for December 3, 2018.

Lahore, Pakistan: The Single Bench of the Honorable Lahore High Court is set to hear Writ Petition 231349/2018 requesting the constitution of the Federal Information Commission as decreed by law, and directing it to grant relief to the petitioner — in their follow-up petition to the Federal Information Commission against the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority on violating The Right of Access to Information Act, 2017.

After a benign internet service he depended upon was inexplicably blocked— and his emails repeatedly met with silence—Amin Shah Gilani, in his capacity as a concerned Citizen of Pakistan, exercised the rights guaranteed to him by the Constitution of Pakistan, and The Right of Access to Information Act, 2017 (The Act). Gilani filed a request with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) on May 13, 2018. The request asked PTA to…



Amin Shah Gilani

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